Attend our training to ensure you are well-equipped to provide appropriately for your EAL (English as an additional language) learners.
‘EAL learners face a range of challenges in terms of the language requirements of Maths lessons; they may have difficulties at word, sentence and text level.” (Bell Foundation). This training will address the language needs of your EAL pupils in Maths.
Areas covered will include:
· Language demands of Maths lessons
· Maths language and everyday language
· Strategies and resources
Participants will:
· Have knowledge and strategies on how to support EAL learners in Maths
· Know how to teach Maths vocabulary so that it is more accessible for EAL pupils
· Recognise strengths and identify areas of development
· Review and plan next steps
Event Date: Thursday 20th June 2024
Time: 5:00 pm - 6.30 pm
Cost: £35.00
Attend our training to ensure you are well-equipped to assess the diverse needs of your new to English pupils through using appropriate EAL (English as an additional language) assessment frameworks and a range of methods. In doing so, you will be able to establish strengths and identify areas of development to aid the setting of SMART targets.
‘Provision for pupils should be based on a meaningful assessment of their prior knowledge and experience as well as their language proficiency.’
Areas covered will include:
Participants will be enabled to:
Event Date: to be confirmed
Time: 5.15 pm - 6.30 pm
Cost: £35.00 (You will be invoiced after the event)
Attend our training to ensure you are well-equipped to provide appropriately for your EAL (English as an additional language) learners.
Teachers revealed ‘they lacked confidence to meet the needs of EAL learners, and felt extra pressure to do it themselves with no external help or guidance.’
Areas covered will include:
Participants will feel better prepared to address the learning needs of EAL learners through:
If you have any more questions about our training sessions, please get in touch via email or contact form message.